Ve čtvrtek 20. 4. se René Bernasconi, žákyně devátého ročníku vypravila reprezentovat naši školu na krajské kolo Anglické olympiády, kam postoupila vítězstvím kola okresního.
René krajské kolo vyhrála a postupuje do celorepublikového ústředního kola, což považujeme za obrovský úspěch a držíme palce.
A jak svoji účast popsala sama naše žákyně?
First of all I am happy that I can share my experience with future competitors in the English Olympics. At first I was very nervous and stressed because I had no idea how it was supposed to go.
We did a few exercises to check our grammar, listening and reading capabilities, then came the speaking part. I absolutely wasn’t expecting it to be so abstract, since we had to describe art pieces. I didn’t have a good feeling about it but it turned out i did the best and won. I can say I am very proud of myself and the fact that I had the opportunity to represent our school.